Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wisconsin Republicans - Stealing Power from the People

At first I was stunned, and then so proud, and almost teary-eyed, about the rallies to protect workers rights in Wisconsin. The public workers were so dedicated they even slept in the capitol building to ensure the Republicans did not sneak the bill through. So they ordered the building closed and in the middle of night, these Republicans betrayed every voter by sneaking through a bill to strip workers from the right to collective bargaining. Is that even legal?

Once upon a time, I lived in America, and legislators respected the voters.  Gov. Walker and his corporate-money fueled backers have walked all over the constitution. He acts as if he were king.

In the United States, the people are the sovereign, and Gov. Walker will surely face a recall next year. If Wisconsin voters can recall just 8 Republican legislators - Walker will lose control of the legislature. I'm supporting Act Blue, which is raising money to publicize the recall effort.
If we can recall these Republicans, they will learn to respect voters. It's the only way.

Here's an email I received from the Wisconsin Democrats:
By now, many of you have heard about the disgraceful action taken by the Republicans in the Wisconsin State Senate.
In the dark of the night, without notice to the public, without any debate, without even printing copies of the bill, 18 cowardly Republicans used procedural trickery to strip hundreds of thousands of workers in Wisconsin of their collective bargaining rights.
This is a National Outrage. We will NOT stand by and let them get away with this disgrace.
Will You?
Tonight, I'm asking you to look deep inside yourself and give everything you are able to give to help teach those 18 cowardly Republicans a lesson they will never forget.
Dan Kapanke. Sheila Harsdorf. Alberta Darling. Randy Hopper.  Robert Cowles. Luther Olson. Glenn Grothmann. Mary Lazich.
8 Republican Senators who conspired to secretly strip away the rights of working families in Wisconsin.
8 Republican Senators who snuck onto the Senate floor tonight and in just a few quick moments eliminated 50 years of collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin.
The people of Wisconsin had one message for the us after this disgraceful action.  Recall them All.
We intend to.
Will you help us take our government back? A donation tonight will go directly to the Wisconsin Senate Democrats' campaign to remove those 8 Senators from office. Now is the time.
We stand with you. Now is the time to stand with us and send a message that will echo across the nation.
Kory W. Kozloski
Executive Director, Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee

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